Hi, I’m Cameo—a passionate writer and experienced editor aiming to help fellow authors elevate their work. Whether you're working on a novel, crafting compelling posts or just trying to refine your writing skills, this blog aims to share tips, tricks and insights.
With 5+ years of experience in the writing, editing and publishing spheres, I’ve helped countless authors and content creators transform their rough drafts into polished, engaging pieces. On this blog, you’ll find a wide range of writing and editing advice, from mastering grammar and structure to navigating the nuances of style, pacing and tone.
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, I hope you find inspiration and answers to your questions here. Writing is a journey, and I’m excited to help you along the way!
Weaving Memories into Your Narrative
A Quick Guide to Active Vs Passive Voice in Fiction Writing
If that sentence just made you scrunch your eyebrows together because you've heard the phrase but can't actually think of what it means (or, hey, perhaps you've never heard either term at all!) then you're definitely not alone. This blog post is here to break it down for you.
When to hit ‘enter’: A guide to paragraphs
Bringing your world to life: A guide to scene descriptions and the five senses
What to do after finishing your first draft: A guide for new authors
Understanding POV Consistency in Third-Person Narration: Keeping Your Perspective Clear
Choosing the Right Tense for Your Fiction Writing
Handling 'Tracked Changes' and 'Comments' in Microsoft Word like a Guru
How to survive (and complete!) your first draft
But now, reality is sinking in. The cursor is blinking at you mockingly, the blank page seems endless and your initial excitement is being replaced with self-doubt and procrastination. Welcome to the writer's journey!
What does it really mean to 'show' and not 'tell'?
But, what on Earth does it actually mean to 'show' and not 'tell' in writing? Why is it so crucial to the craft of storytelling?
Is self-editing really important?
What we really mean is that authors should not be editing their own work whilst still in the process of writing their first draft. However, when the pain of reaching your word count goal is achieved and you've got something that kinda, actually looks like a real story in front of you—you should absolutely be self-editing your manuscript.
The top mistakes authors make that editors help with
Luckily, that’s where a good editor can help.
Why professional editing matters
How to format your manuscript
Writing realistic dialogue
So, why not give compiling layers and adding them to your dialogue a try? Your writing may even become better for it!