Hi, I’m Cameo—a passionate writer and experienced editor aiming to help fellow authors elevate their work. Whether you're working on a novel, crafting compelling posts or just trying to refine your writing skills, this blog aims to share tips, tricks and insights.

With 5+ years of experience in the writing, editing and publishing spheres, I’ve helped countless authors and content creators transform their rough drafts into polished, engaging pieces. On this blog, you’ll find a wide range of writing and editing advice, from mastering grammar and structure to navigating the nuances of style, pacing and tone. 

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, I hope you find inspiration and answers to your questions here. Writing is a journey, and I’m excited to help you along the way!

A Quick Guide to Active Vs Passive Voice in Fiction Writing

When it comes to fiction writing, one of the subtler choices that can shape the flow of your story is whether to use active or passive voice.

If that sentence just made you scrunch your eyebrows together because you've heard the phrase but can't actually think of what it means (or, hey, perhaps you've never heard either term at all!) then you're definitely not alone. This blog post is here to break it down for you.

Is self-editing really important?

Some of the most common advice that is given to new authors is that they shouldn't edit their own work. This is a lie.

What we really mean is that authors should not be editing their own work whilst still in the process of writing their first draft. However, when the pain of reaching your word count goal is achieved and you've got something that kinda, actually looks like a real story in front of you—you should absolutely be self-editing your manuscript.

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